
Showing posts from December, 2017


I think this is a relatively difficult project compare to the previous one. The goal of this project is to find the relationship between the variables of virulence, immune and duration. The result shows many adjusted number which form a dynamic image. First of all, we need to state the value of virulence, when value of virulence is close to 100, the image will look most like square wave (a simple looking), and when the virulence value is close to 0, the image will look more like circular wave (more complex looking). After find out the virulence, we also need to understand the relationship between immune and duration, I think those two represent the color. After many attempts, as result we find out that duration represent the color red, and immunity represent the color green, which means when the value of duration is great, there will be redder appears in the image, and when the immunity number is great, the image will illustrate greener. For this project specifically, we need